
Senin, 27 Januari 2025

Status Kepegawaian Dosen ASN

Dosen ASN terdapat di beberapa kementerian, di antaranya:

  • Kementerian Agama
  • Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi dan Sains Teknologi

 Dosen perguruan Tinggi (PT) pada pendidikan tinggi di lingkungan Kemdiktisaintek dibagi 4:
1. PTN-Berbadan Hukum (PTN-BH)
2. PTN Badan Layanan Umum (PT-BLU)
3. PTN Satuan Kerja (PTN Satker)
4. PTS yang terdapat dosen PNS dipekerjakan (Dpk)

No 1 mendingan karena ada otonomi keuangan
No 2-3 miris

Jumat, 17 Januari 2025

Perbandingan Komposisi Ekspor Indonesia dan Vietnam

 Ekspor Indonesia 2022:


Ekspor Vietnam 2022:


  • Komposisi ekspor Indonesia:
  • Komposisi ekspor Vietnam

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2025

Membangun Sistem Kendali Berbasis Data

 Sistem kendali ketemu machine learning. Bukunya menarik, video youtubenya juga menarik

"Data Drive Science and Engineering, Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control"


Rabu, 08 Januari 2025

Peta Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone

 Peta Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone


KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 18): Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ) will cover an area governed by six local authorities in Iskandar Malaysia and Pengerang, according to the Ministry of Finance.

The sites in southern Johor proposed by the state government would span an area about five times larger than Singapore, the ministry said in the 2025 Economic Outlook report. At over 3,500 square kilometres, the zone would stretch from Kulai and part of Pontian to Pengerang.

“The development priority of the JS-SEZ in these areas will be guided, among others by the availability of land and infrastructure,” the report said.

The locations — which also include Iskandar Puteri City Council, Johor Bahru City Council, and Pasir Gudang City Council — have not been previously disclosed.

Initiated through a memorandum of understanding signed in January 2024, the proposed JS-SEZ aims to enhance trade and connectivity between Malaysia and Singapore, encourage technology transfer, and stimulate growth across various industries.

Key focus industries for the JS-SEZ will include logistics, financial and business services, tourism, food security, education, healthcare, the digital economy, energy, and manufacturing.

A deal between Malaysia and Singapore was expected to be signed in September though it has been delayed as the details and incentives are still being finalised, Johor Menteri Besar Onn Hafiz Ghazi said earlier.

The proposed JS-SEZ was announced in October 2023 during Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s visit to Singapore.

“The JS-SEZ is anticipated to bring mutual benefits by leveraging the existing strengths and similarities between both countries,” the Finance Ministry said. “The JS-SEZ will serve as a catalyst to boost bilateral economic cooperation and unlock growth potentials in both Malaysia and Singapore.”


luas total 357,128 hectares ( , lebih luas dari IKN (256142) (

Sumber data lain:

Selasa, 07 Januari 2025

Ilustrasi Kerusuhan Revolusi Industri

Revolusi Industri pertama bikin pengangguran gara-gara mesin tenun. Mantan tukang tenun manual protes. Zaman sekarang sama saja, AI menggeser benda lain


Perkembangan Efisiensi Sel Surya



Senin, 06 Januari 2025

Praktikum Kendali di Teknik Elektro Universitas Indonesia

Iseng-iseng melihat teknik elektro UI. Nemu praktikum kendali di sana.
Praktikum sistem kendali di Teknik Elektro UI
beberapa modul pakai ESP32
Modul 1. Fundamentals of Control System
Modul 2. Root Locus Method & Modul 3. Frequency Response Method
Modul 4. Root Locus Controller Design
Modul 5. Design via Frequency Response Method
Modul 6. State Space Modelling
Modul 7. State Space Controller Design
Modul 8. DC Motor Modeling & Modul 9. PMDC Motor Control using PID Controller
Modul 10. Introduction to Industrial Automation
modul 2&3:
modul 4:
modul 5:
8 & 9:

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2025

Studi Tingkat Literasi Orang Indonesia

 Studi tingkat literasi di kalangan orang dewasa tahun 2016. Untuk Indonesia sampelnya di Jakarta. 

Sumber data: