Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Jam Buka Restoran di Perancis

Baru tahu kalau jam Buka Restoran di Perancis adalah dari 12:00 sampai 14:00 (setidaknya di kawasan tertentu). Di luar waktu itu tidak terima pesanan. Akibatnya toko-toko lain juga jadinya ketat untuk urusan istirahat makan.

What ties in with the lunch break window is lunch at restaurants in France is between 12 and 2pm and I dare you to try and have lunch at any restaurant (outside a big city) before or after 12 to 2pm. I sat down at 11:45 at a sidewalk pizza joint 2 days ago while the place was open and the chef was having a beer with a friend. He came outside and told me I’m defying the laws of physics because “It’s not possible” and I need to come back later. He was very polite and now that I get it, I totally understand. 
Sumber: http://markmaunder.com/2011/10/14/working-culture-differences-between-france-and-usa/

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