Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

Pendidikan Hi-Tech dan Low-Tech

Contoh kelas dengan teknologi tinggi yang justru nilainya jeblok:


"The class, and the Kyrene School District as a whole, offer what some see as a utopian vision of education’s future. Classrooms are decked out with laptops, big interactive screens and software that drills students on every basic subject. Under a ballot initiative approved in 2005, the district has invested roughly $33 million in such technologies. 

The digital push here aims to go far beyond gadgets to transform the very nature of the classroom, turning the teacher into a guide instead of a lecturer, wandering among students who learn at their own pace on Internet-connected devices. 

“This is such a dynamic class,” Ms. Furman says of her 21st-century classroom. “I really hope it works.” 

Hope and enthusiasm are soaring here. But not test scores. Since 2005, scores in reading and math have stagnated in Kyrene, even as statewide scores have risen."

Contoh sekolah yang mengajarkan ilmu pengetahuan dasar dengan teknologi rendah / konvensional:


"The chief technology officer of eBay sends his children to a nine-classroom school here. So do employees of Silicon Valley giants like Google, Apple, Yahoo and Hewlett-Packard.

But the school’s chief teaching tools are anything but high-tech: pens and paper, knitting needles and, occasionally, mud. Not a computer to be found. No screens at all. They are not allowed in the classroom, and the school even frowns on their use at home. "

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