Sabtu, 30 September 2023

Lahan pangan rebutan dengan lahan tambang

Tanah yang dialokasikan untuk pertambangan batu bara mencakup hampir 10 persen dari wilayah Indonesia
Konsesi batu bara mencakup 19 persen dari wilayah cocok tanam padi yang ada
Konsesi batu bara mencakup 23 persen dari lahan yang dapat diperuntukkan bagi penanaman padi baru.
15 persen dari tanah yang dialokasikan untuk kelapa sawit terancam dibongkar dan ditambang untuk batu bara.

Selengkapnya di

Kamis, 21 September 2023

Rabu, 13 September 2023

Gaya kepemimpinan di NVIDIA

The way that Jensen Huang runs Nvidia is wild:

40 direct reports, no 1:1s
- Believes that the flattest org is the most empowering one, and that starts with the top layer
- Does not conduct 1:1s - everything happens in a group setting
- Does not give career advice - "None of my management team is coming to me for career advice - they already made it, they're doing great"

No status reports, instead he "stochastically samples the system"
- Doesn't use status updates because he believes they are too refined by the time they get to him. They are not ground truth anymore.
- Instead, anyone in the company can email him their "top five things" with whatever is top of mind, and he will read it
- Estimates he reads 100 of these everyone morning

Everyone has all the context, all the time
- No meetings with just VPs or just Directors - anyone can join and contribute
- "If you have a strategic direction, why tell just one person?"
- "If there is something I don't like, I just say it publicly"
- "I do a lot of reasoning out loud"

No formal planning cycles
- No 5 year plan, no 1 year plan
- Always re-evaluating based on changing business and market conditions (helpful when AI is developing at the pace that it is)

This org is optimized for (1) attracting amazing people, (2) keeping the team as small as it can be, and (3) allowing information to travel as quickly as possible

